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Thursday, October 15, 2009


Hey people!

I have not posted for like two months... Anyway EOY's are over!! The papers were all generally okay and i hope i do well cos i really want to. Everyone wants to anyway... Still addicted to tennis andhoping to play more since exams are over but very few people to play with... if anyone wants to play tennis feel free to ask me cos I've got nothing much to do... Hope to have a class gathering very soon and maybe I will have to organise it but there is not really anywhere to go in this small country of Singapore...

I wonder what everyone's doing after EOY's.. I guess the guys in my class would be wolf-teaming their lives away... Next year is gonna be a much harder year then what we have gone through this year. That means, a lot more mugging... who likes mugging? Anyway, I'll post more since EOY's are over even though not many people even bother reading my blog so yeah...

Thats all for now

came at5:25 PM
Saturday, August 1, 2009

25th POST!

Hey people!

Hows the world...?? Finished last weeks test week and it was a seriously stressful week... Yesterday James and I presented our Romantic Art powerpoint... Exciting things in the world that will happen in this August is... Micheal Schumacher returning to Formula 1...In case no one knows i am a huge Formula 1 fan weird right?? He will be here for the Singapore GP I think and that will be so cool... The next quite exciting thing is that Rafael Nadal is returning to tennis after a miserable summer... Even though I prefer Federer, tennis without Nadal does not feel like tennis... Next week there are no tests i think... And we will be starting D and T which is quite exciting. Art rocked for 5 weeks and i hope the next 5 weeks will be cooler...

I signed up for BB character quest... Its like a Bible quiz with an adventure element.. sounds quite fun and a big plus is that I can learn more about the Bible and get CCA points! I really need to update more, these days I only update like once every two weeks... I seriously want to play more tennis but if I play too many times a week, my hand will start paining... The G force game looks quite nice but it costs a lot of money which I don't think i am willing to spend... I can chane my phone already!! The 2 year plan is up and my dad has a 150 dollar voucher for this plan... But there are very few nice phones so choosing a phone is gonna be quite tough... I really need to finish my school work but haven't started yet...sigh... wow this blog post is so random suddenly all these different topics start splattering out from my brain and I just type them out

Bye for now...

came at9:07 PM
Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Lol haven't posted for so long... School's quite draggy and sometimes boring but anyway life goes on. Swine flu has postponed loads of tests and now we have to do a lot next week... Thursday is the annoying 语文测验 I seriously dislike chinese tests ... They're all so cheem... Jessica is like I love chinese and stuff and it seriously amazes me... I have absolutely no inspiration to do chinese...argh... I am so annoyed that there has been so little tennis after Wimbledon was over. That final was so darn epic and then now there's like tennis drought... I need tennis! I sound obsessed..shall stop obsessing... Its late and I am still awake...and there's school tmr...oh crap I just forgot that I haven't finished the ORCA homework cos I did not get the worksheet... Its like they only give the worksheet to people who subscribe to the Reader's Digest in school which I don't (I subscribe from home).. I guess I'll just borrow someone's worksheet and do the questions myself...Hope we have good lessons tmr.... cos I am seriously getting bored of school... Going to be random... I just realiszed that the char siew rice in fairfield is actually very nice... Some people might not agree but I like it... I will post tmr and i mean it... but this blog has like very few readers... Shall stop here...


came at11:33 PM
Friday, June 19, 2009


Hey people!!

I am in Bangkok now! The food here is awesome and affordable for Singaporeans... I really pity the taxi drivers here cos their meter moves so slowly and their starting fare is like 1.50 singaporean dollars. When they have a customer they could only earn about 3.50 sing dollars!! In singapore the taxi is so darn expensive. Taking a taxi in Bangkok is sometimes even more affordable then the public transport. I've got a little homeowork left and should be done by Monday so that gives me one week of holidays to study for the coming tests and slacking.

Thats all for now!

came at11:48 AM
Monday, June 8, 2009

22nd POST

HEY people...

Havent blogged for some time so I shall post about the recent times... First some happy news ROGER FEDERER WON THE FRENCH OPEN AND DID THE CAREER GRAND SLAM!!! Okay that was totally random but I am so darn happy!!

Lets go back to what happened at BB awards Camp..
It was 3 days and 2 nights... But it was quite fun and really good exercise I must say... When we got there, we were asked to take all our stuff out from our bags so that they could do a bag check in case we brought unnesscesary stuff... My Lakerol was confiscated but I was not really bothered cos I enjoyed it after camp. Let me recall what happened after that... Oh yeah then we went to the auditorium and were taught about all the stuff to learn during the camp. That was like 4 hours long....... We learnt about compass bearings, first aid and knot tying... After that we had dinner which was a Nasi Lemak kind of thing...

Then we had devotion and after that it was the NIGHT WALK... The Sec threes were like purposely scaring us with ghost stories which were sort of untrue about the school. If you want to know what go read Marcus' blog. Everyone was like freaked out at the start. When it got to my turn, I really did not know what to expect so I just did whatever they told me to do and before I knew it, the entire nightwalk was done... I felt so stupid for actually believing them..... cos there was like seriously nothing to be afraid off. After that was wash-up and light's out...

In the morning, we had Physical Training and Quiet time. Then it was Breakfast which was bee hoon and a cup of warm milo. After that I think it was the recap on what we had learnt the day before. Soon we had our First Aid theory test... They tested us on things which we had not learnt yet but it was quite okay ad a bit tough altogether...

The climax had finally come... It was time for the fabled HIKE!! We had the briefing for it anf the rules and regulations for the entire thing. At precisely around 4 10 pm we started the hike. Our first station was Alexandra Hospital and we had half of our knot-tying test there. We headed to Redhill MRT for the other half of the knot tying test. Then we walked all the way to Botanic Gardens/Gleneagles Hospital and had First Aid Bandage test there... We went on our way to Adam Road Hospital and then had our Arts and Crafts station. It was to make a shield with some peanuts and canvas they provided. Our shield turned out to be quite nice and the other two squads were held back because they made a mess of that area (Just so you know it was not a race ) From there we walked to Sixth Avenue center and had a sort of "Waste Time" Station where we did some push ups and played charades. We walked the entire sixth avenue and during that period of time people were all complaining about abrasions and pains that had kicked in some time ago but we persevered on. We had a Stop and Go station on Sixth avenue then we went to Bouna Vista MRT to have Bearings test.

Finally we went back to school and were told that we were the first squad to finish. We had a short debrief and it then was wash-up and lights out again...

Day 3
It was the last day of camp and we only had some area cleaning and then it was about time to go home... We said our goodbyes and went our separate ways home.

This was the end of camp and now lets talk about the 6A CLASS GATHERING...
I was the organiser and it was sort of a tough job calling and posting on the class blog.....We had the gathering at Sentosa and had a good number of people showing up. All in all we had about half the class with Mr Cheng also there. We played around at the beach before some people went on the Skyride and Luge. I had gone on it before and knew it was really fun but I stayed at where our bags were and played UNO with some people. After a lot of people went bike riding which I also did not do and played UNO again LOL... It was quite fun to play and it was also really cool to see all my 6A friends again. I hope we can have another one of these gatherings again...

I guess thats all for one of my longest posts ever...

came at2:47 PM
Sunday, May 31, 2009

camp in 1 day...

hey... sry for not posting for so long. anyway, camp is tomorrow and mind you this is awards camp. This requires intense discipline and resilience. It is 3 days and 2 nights... Anyway the highlight of the camp i think will be the 20 to 30 km walk/hike around singapore. I heard that the walk might be through the night but I am not sure if this is true. If it is that means one night without sleep. Thats actually quite cool and I am looking forward to what is will feel like. There is also another BB knowledge test... The last test was the target test which I got full marks for but i seriously need to study for this test. I need those badges... This camp gives me 4 badges and the ones I can only think of two now. The adventure one and the first aid one. I really don't know what the other two are. Looking forward to my holiday to Bangkok. The food there is awesome and is also not very expensive. The Swensens Ice cream is like 3 times cheaper in Thailand. Hopefully I will be eating that a few times...

This has been an interesting last week of school. The first three days of school was normal school life and then Thursday was the Meet-The-Parents session... My mum did not need to go so I just went to school and picked up my report book. I got 4 A1's, 1 A2 and 1 B3. I am not very happy but I am still okay with it. Also on Thursday, I went back to the Primary School with some 6A ians and visited teachers. It was Christabel's birthday so we were also like wishing her at the same time. Went to the school hall and played loads of badminton with Quinn, Mr Cheng, Denzyl and his friend. Mr Cheng was like trying to hit the shuttle cock at Denzyl but failed and got hit by the shuttle cock hit by Denzyl 2 times instead. That was hilarious to watch... Apparently Christabel was jealous of us playing badminton but she did not join. Her school does not have Badminton as a CCA... lols...

Its getting very very late so I shan't post about Friday and shall end off here...



came at12:34 AM
Sunday, May 17, 2009


Lol I haven't posted for so long.

Arh!! no one is replying to the post on the class outing for 6A... AND Novak Djokovic lost to Rafael Nadal arrrhhhhhhhhhhh!!! Lol the second reason is so irrelevant... I just love tennis... So much music homework haizzz.. Watching the repeat of a tennis match ... the one I just talked about and its saddening... Anyway tomorrow got tuition and only one free period in school tomorrow!!... there is nothing else to blog about right now so bye...


came at5:21 PM

Welcome (:
Well, this is my blog... go ahead read it...lol...

God's Child.

HEY My name is Brandon Im 13 born on 16011996 Singaporean I LOVE GOD/JESUS/HOLY SPIRIT AND MY FAMILY

His Wishes.

Good grades Greater faith in GOD

Verse A Day.