Saturday, August 1, 2009
25th POST!
Hey people!
Hows the world...?? Finished last weeks test week and it was a seriously stressful week... Yesterday James and I presented our Romantic Art powerpoint... Exciting things in the world that will happen in this August is... Micheal Schumacher returning to Formula 1...In case no one knows i am a huge Formula 1 fan weird right?? He will be here for the Singapore GP I think and that will be so cool... The next quite exciting thing is that Rafael Nadal is returning to tennis after a miserable summer... Even though I prefer Federer, tennis without Nadal does not feel like tennis... Next week there are no tests i think... And we will be starting D and T which is quite exciting. Art rocked for 5 weeks and i hope the next 5 weeks will be cooler...
I signed up for BB character quest... Its like a Bible quiz with an adventure element.. sounds quite fun and a big plus is that I can learn more about the Bible and get CCA points! I really need to update more, these days I only update like once every two weeks... I seriously want to play more tennis but if I play too many times a week, my hand will start paining... The G force game looks quite nice but it costs a lot of money which I don't think i am willing to spend... I can chane my phone already!! The 2 year plan is up and my dad has a 150 dollar voucher for this plan... But there are very few nice phones so choosing a phone is gonna be quite tough... I really need to finish my school work but haven't started yet...sigh... wow this blog post is so random suddenly all these different topics start splattering out from my brain and I just type them out
Bye for now...
came at9:07 PM